Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sixty Five Percent Sure it is My Sweatshirt...

I went to Elizabeth C. Price elementary school in Humelstown, PA for the third grade, and my class room was in the basement of a school that according to Brad Something or Other (who was also in the third grade) was built on the ruins of an old Indian Burial ground and was naturally haunted by Elizabeth C. Price herself. I spent an entire week not sleeping because I totally believed Kimmie C. when she said she had gone into the bathroom where the ghost was known to be and said "Elizabeth Price, are you there?" and in response, she heard a very ghostly whisper, "Yeeeesss". Scary, right? What eight year old would not freak out, I ask you? Anyway, aside from the time I was showing an estate sale home to some clients and while we were in the basement we heard a giant crash upstairs and my client told me she knew it was the ghost of the man who had passed away there, I have had very little to do with the supernatural. (incidentally, they did not buy that house, we ran out of there like wild dogs were nipping at our heals.)

Well, you will remember my post from back in May about the Memory Grove ghost (if not, click here. ) Now every time I go to do photos at Memory Grove I make really dumb jokes about the ghost and last week with the Cassity family it was no exception. Jen was wearing a purple sweater so of course I had to point out that the ghost would probably appear and check her out, to which her husband responded, "ya, I can definately feel something strange up here." I shut up after that because I was starting to scare myself a little. We finished the shoot, and that was the end of it. Until of course I got the text from Jen after I put the previews up on my blog. Please keep in mind that the whole house was dark, everyone was asleep but me and the text said "carrie, you got the ghost, call me right away!!". I am not going to lie, dear readers, I came pretty close to peeing my pants, and since it was so late I didn't dare look at the pictures that I knew she must be referring to until the next day. I am sure many of you have seen the picture since then because I spent the better part of the day showing people and asking their opinions (including but certainly not limited to Jim from Real and the receptionist at Paiges Karate school.) But in case you haven't, here it is again.

Its a face, right? to the right of his head and just below the door handle? I spent the better part of Wednesday googling the memory grove ghost, going over the other photos from the shoot and trying to logically determine what it could be. And after all of that, I have come to an either or conclusion. Either it is an unfortunately shaped reflection of my sweatshirt or it is a disembodied face, looking directly at Jen and her purple sweater. Jen pointed out to me that she was standing directly in the face's line of sight at the time the photo was taken, we know this because I had her on deck to hop the fence and get in the photo with her family right then. So what do you think? Is it a ghost? All the other pictures in that same location show my reflection in the window panes on the right door, but this one doesn't show any reflection at all.

I put in a request for answers with the Salt Lake Independant Ghost Hunters Team, (yes, its real) I guess we will see what they have to say, in the mean time, YIKES!! But I am still going to shoot at Memory Grove this week, the light up there is amazing!!


Erica Williams said...

Ugg...I don't think that is a reflection of anyone's sweater. I get a little sick creeped out feeling every time I see that picture! My vote: Ghost! How are you feeling, by the way?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get the picture on this post to enlarge. But I'll be honest, I'm too creeped out to go enlarge it from the other post and look at it again. I vote for ghost just because of my initial reaction when I saw it: goose bumps, knot in my stomach and tears in my eyes. Sweatshirts don't cause reactions like that...

Lyndsey said...

A wee bit creepy if you ask me... I got the heeby-geebies just thinking about it. I vote ghost.

Shandell said...

Erica had me look at this picture. I am a firm believer in ghosts and I hace NO doubt this you caught a ghost. the features are to clear to be a reflection plus you are taking the picture at an angle. GHOST for sure :) awesome!

The Uffens Family said...

I agree with the rest - I'm slightly intrigued - you should post it so it can enlarge... we all somehow fell the need to really check into it closely to try and figure out how to talk ourselves out of the creepiness!

bill said...

Yup, Ghost/Spirit/Spectre/whatever.
And not a very happy one....

Amber said...

Tall guy and I say ... ghost. A nice friendly one, however!