Friday, April 3, 2009

Time goes by

This morning I did Mia's hair in little pigtails just like I used to do with Paige. The girls went down to the playroom and when I walked in Mia was sitting with her back to me playing with some stuffed animals. All I could see were her tiny pigtails and hot tears suddenly came to my eyes. It looked just like a toddler Paige sitting there playing. I vowed when my girls were born to never wish away the time with them, waiting for them to be bigger, wanting them to be more self sufficient. I promised myself i would enjoy every minute of the journey. That was when they were infants. You know, all cute and cuddly? The innocent time before potty training and learning the word "NO!"? And now I find myself guilty of wondering things like "when oh when will I get to sleep in?" and "hmm, when Mia is in Preschool and Paige is in Elementary school, oh the time I will have..".

Walking in on a little flashback vision of my pigtailed Paige reminded me of my earlier commitment. Time goes by. The only thing we can do about that is enjoy every second, every phase, every hair style (even if it does take an hour just to get pigtails in because one is tugging on your shirt to come get her breakfast and the other is fingerpainting on the mirror with lotion).

I love my little princesses...


lisa said...

so cute!

stacey said...

carrie!! well said. your girls are sooo adorable and big. i guess you should just have another to fill the baby void!! lol.

Mike Butler said...

Such a way of hitting it head on. I have to catch myself everytime I start wishing that the girls were older or that I had more time to myself. I'll be longing for the moments of just sitting there stacking up stuffed animals with Mia or playing Candyland with Paige. I love you girls!

Anonymous said...

They are darling, you should love them! I can not believe how long Page's hair has gotten. I love it long!!