Friday, April 24, 2009


The year was two thousand and.. I don't recall exactly, but it was a while ago. Mike and I decided to go snowboarding with some friends. (I know, me snowboarding, what a joke) For those of you who don't know, I am crummy at two main sports related things, balance and endurance, which are both "must haves" in the field of snowboarding. Needless to say, halfway through the day and immediately following my fifteenth fall, my muscles decided they had had enough and refused to aid my body in getting off the ground. I was cold, I was frustrated, I was ashamed and I may or may not have said some swears (who am I kidding, I know I said some swears and I know which ones I said.) So there I was, laying flat on my back, with this crippling board strapped to my feet, wanting to sink into the snow and stay there when all of a sudden, a silent Mike effortlessly slid over to me, picked me up and sat me on his lap. He just held me there, knowing instinctively that all I needed was his reassuring comfort to feel strong enough to get back up.

Fast forward eight or nine years. Things are not going as planned this week. Kids are really sick, no one in our home is sleeping and a quick trip that I was counting on was rearranged so badly that none of the original elements of the trip even exist anymore and no one at the airline can manage to tell me any good news. I am frustrated, tired and I may or may not have said a few swears in the midst of my grown up tantrum. And there is Mike. He silently takes me in his arms and holds me there until I can get back up. Thank you, Mike, for being my rock. I love you.
(this photograph was taken by Tessa at Grin and Share it Photography)


Erica Williams said...

Aaaahhhh.....What a nice post. You are lucky to have him :) I'm sorry to hear about the sickness and the messed up weekend. It sounded like it was going to be so great. Can I do anything for you or your family?

Heather H said...

That was such a sweet post. I hope you had a better day today! :)

Kacey and Eddie said...

awwww....mikey.....thanks for taking care of my big-ball-of-mess sister...but those grown-up tantrums are part of the reason we all love her so much (that, and her uncontrollable laughter during church..ha ha)

Mike Butler said...

Thank you for writing that. That was so nice of you. You're always there for me when I need you. I guess that makes us a good team. I love you with all my heart and I'm so glad that you had a good weekend. The girls and I also had a lot of fun but were very happy to have Mommy back.

The MacMizzles said...

This post made me tear up Carrie, I know exactly what you mean. Cheers to you and your sweet man and family.

The MacMizzles said...

Also, just because we are strong women, and capable, doesn't mean we don't need to just be reminded of how important we are. thank you so much for a great reminder of the very best thing in my life also.

trish said...

I love everything about this post. There are so many levels of win in what you wrote, how you wrote it, and the comments posted in response. I'm glad I took a moment (to further procrastinate my work in order) to see what you've been up to on your blog. Your pictures are amazing as usual and it was easy to get caught up. Big virtual hug for you and another step up for the pedestal holding up your husband.