Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jillian and TK, (DKNY)

Jillian and her family hold a very special place in my heart, I have known her since she was four years old and she served me home made root beer at her house. I loved her at first sight, its kinda hard not to. Just ask TK, her fiance. I absolutely loved spending time with them and getting to know them as a couple. Jillian would kiss this guy on the cheek and his eyes would close and he would automatically get a huge grin on his face. It was a knee jerk reaction for him, seriously! I have never seen anything so adorable. They are getting married in a few weeks and I am really looking forward to spending that time observing how they interact. Thanks for meeting with me you guys!


Jillian Kristine said...

carrie i LOVE them!! gah.. i want em all!! hahaha. tk wants originals too!! so i'll have to bring you a cd to burn em for me!!!

Tessa said...

Great shots Carrie! Number 1 is so creative and number 4 is absolutely beautiful!!!

Mike Butler said...

Jillian and her family do hold a very special place in Carrie's heart. She has been talking about them since the day that I met her 9 years ago. Those pictures look so good. Jillian and TK look so in love and just genuinely happy. Way to capture the moment, baby!

Os Castro said...

Muito legal as fotos! bjs

lisa said...

These are really great Carrie.