Sunday, July 26, 2009

Save Brett Picture Playdate previews and Update

Hey ya'll!

I just wanted to post a few of my favorite pictures from the Save Brett playdate we had last week. I had a great time so thank you for attending and supporting Brett!
Update: Brett is doing well, he is still pretty tired, but the tumors are still shrinking (HOORAY!)

He is supposed to start his third round of Chemo this week, but there have been a few complications with some of the medications he has been on, ie, he has a really bad cough that doesn't seem to be going away. He has seen a pulmonologist and they think that one of the meds is burning his lungs and leaving scarring. We will find out more tomorrow, he has another catscan and if all comes out well, will resume chemo on Wednesday.

I cannot express how 1)grateful and 2)amazed I have been at all the support that you have shown to him during this time and it is with a humble heart that I say that thanks to donations from family, friends and sometimes total (but much appreciated) strangers, we have almost enough money to pay his living expenses for the next several months so that he doesn't have to worry about those things and can focus on getting better. I will be staging a few more Picture Playdates during the summer but I would love some feedback, should I do an evening playdate? If you simply cannot do a morning playdate, holla back and I will try to schedule an evening one to accomodate. Also, along those lines, I am considering making playdates a monthly event to support other college students faced with similar health issues as Brett, but only if the interest of the community is there, what do you four readers think? Think it would work?
Stay tuned for a post about our crab, Chinny, until then, happy viewing!!


Anonymous said...

Carrie, you pics are amazing. I can't wait to commission you one day.

The Bowldens said...

you are so amazing!

Tessa said...

Beautiful Carrie. Love the one of the kid rubbing his eye!!!!

The MacMizzles said...

Love them! You are an inspiration.