Friday, June 26, 2009

Some things I will never forget... the way the radiologist suddenly spoke so gently to us as we waited for a bigger ct scan. Or the way the uvu clinic doctor couldn't control her tears as she spoke about treatment options. Or the way we ran from one doctor to the next as if getting there that instant would save his life. But mostly I will never forget how when I fought to get control of my emotions so he wouldn't see how scared I was, he, he, the one who had moments ago been told that the tumors were throughout his whole body, said "I am so sorry, Carrie."

It's strange, really, how quickly we acclimate. Two weeks ago I woke up every morning thinking "oh good, it was just a dream.." to realize that it was all too real. Only two weeks ago I couldn't see the produce at the supermarket through the tears. But today I am a little stronger, and I am ready to help him fight.

I will be hosting bimonthly picture play date fundraisers to help pay for his medical treatment and living expenses (He has been putting himself through school at UVU but was forced to resign from his job and withdraw from classes after his first surgery, unable to continue with the work load during his chemo treatments. Also, he is uninsured, does not qualify for medicare and although the doctors have been unbelievably generous along with the hospital, he will still most likely be hit with staggering medical bills when he beats this.)For anyone interested in helping Brett in this way, the cost will be $12 dollars per person, usually it is kids at the playdate but you are welcome to come if you need some headshots, we aren't picky. If you have ten or more people we can schedule a playdate just for your group, if not, don't worry, I will be setting a date and time for next week, and will take reservations. Please email me at or post a comment with your contact information. All proceeds will be donated to Save Brett.
Thank you all for your prayers and support, it is truly overwhelming.


Moments Treasured Photography said...

Be strong! I miss you! Please know you your brother and your family are in my prayers!

I wish I could send you a BIG HUG!!!

JonahsMom said...

Carrie, I'm sending you every bit of strength I can muster up. I love you dearly and know that your family in my thoughts and prayers day and night.

Erica Williams said...

Great idea Carrie! What a good sister you are. I will send this info out to my friends and email contacts. Hang in there :)

The MacMizzles said...

I can't imagine...let me round up some friends and we will be there.

Nicole said...

I'll be getting my list started for you. Be prepared to be swamped. :)

Mike Butler said...

Carrie has been so incredibly strong through all of this. Thank you to everyone that has been so helpful and giving. We love you all. Brett, we love you too. Even more now with a smooth head.

Charlie French said...

Carrie, this is awesome! Thanks for all you are doing. Mom