Monday, June 22, 2009


So you know how I think I am funny, right? (the correct answer to this would be "who doesn't think you are funny, Carrie?) Well, I met Joey to document his college graduation and guess what? He is way more funny than I am. And ordinarily I would be slightly intimidated by that but not in this case. He is so nice and easy going that I really didn't worry too much about it. And as opposed to shooting girls pictures when I am naturally and consistantly wanting to put them at ease, I felt like Joey just melted into the camera without much encouragement from my end. It was a great shoot, hope you like the slideshow. (yes slideshow, if I can get the darn program to work that is. )
Update, no I cannot get the slideshow to work, I am tech challenged. So if anyone is interested, here is the link, instead.


The Bowldens said...

what a cute kid! great shots carrie!

Kacey and Eddie said...

who doesn't think you are funny, carrie? haha. nice session!! He does take good pictures! Very photogenic. But what is with the weird not-quite elevator music? Great shoot!!

Rebecca said...

as amazing as i thought they would be!!! Great job carrie!

The Bowldens said...

you're so welcome! there isnt anything you could do except maybe pray for me =) i could use as many as possible. you are amazing and i learn so much from you on here!

Trish said...

Great shots. I think you should also look into getting releases and selling to companies like Shutterstock.

Joey is a nice-looking guy, and I can see that he's funny. You captured him well.