Friday, September 12, 2008

Wallowing in Misery

Well, we went to the state fair tonight. Ordinarily I love going to the fair, all that fried food on sticks really sends a smile to my face. Tonight however, I did not leave the fair as content as I have in years past, as a matter of fact I left practically crying. The reason? I lost my camera. My dear sweet little Canon point and shoot. I don't know what happened, one minute it was in my pocket and the next it wasn't. I don't know if I was pick pocketed or it just fell out or what. And I hadn't uploaded the pictures from it for a while so now I don't have those either and there were some really cute ones of Paige and Mia when we were harvesting our garden. I just wish I knew what happened to it. Seriously, I love that camera and I would be so happy if I could have it back, but I would settle for just the memory card. Know what I mean? So sad...


jennifer said...

Oh no Carrie!! I'm so sorry. That really stinks. That's the only bad thing about digital, we all tend to leave the images on the camera or card.(((HUGS)))!

So Happy Together said...

I am sorry Carrie! I feel your pain. I had a mamory card go bad on me and it had some special images on it! It sucks when you know you have lost something you can't replace! Sorry!

So Happy Together said...

That's memory card...not mamory card! That will teach me read it before I post it!

Tessa said...

Oh Carrie that's horrible! Losing a camera is bad enough, but losing a card...I feel your pain. BIG HUGS!!!

Anonymous said...

That really sucks. I am so sorry. You take cute pictures too:(

Chelsi said...

Oh that's the worst!