Thursday, January 22, 2009

Man, its just one of those days..

Ever feel like swearing at your computer screen for no good reason? Ever have your four year old feel the need to tell you ten to twelve times that we don't say the word (fill in the blank) because you can't seem to stop being irritated? Thats me the last couple of days. Is it because the afore mentioned four year old told her teacher on their way to a fieldtrip that her car was filthy and she better clean it out soon (followed up with "oh and your windows are disgusting, don't forget to wash them while you are at it..)? Is it because my baby ate too many mandarin oranges and due to a tummy incident I not only had to scrub her down but the entire changing station in the middle of Paiges karate class? Is it because I have Lost fever and am now withdrawing until next Wednesday? I don't know, it could be a combination of all of these things but I will tell you one thing, I have the winter blahs. Any of you moms out there relate with me this week? Don't be shy, share a comment with the class. Even Mia is feeling it. I had to snap this picture of her playing with my phone yesterday in between bouts of grumpiness, her look sums up how I feel.


linda said...

CARRIE!!! I love the photo of Mia! I am a mommy, aren't I? I have the winter blah, blah, blahs, too. We've got to get our butts to a warm place--CALI baby!

I read your entry to ty and we had a good time being entertained by your misery--in a good way, if there is such a thing. We've got to plan another time to hang out. Maybe tyandi can come over and babysit while you and mike can go PAR-TAY!!! I'm only good for only sitting around these days anyways.

love tyandlinda

Josh, Shauna, Allison, Brynlee said...

I know exactly what you mean!!! I am SOOOOO ready for summer and so our my girls so we can enjoy the outdoors. Wish we lived there and we could let our girls play!

Erica Williams said...

I love your blog posts! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of Mia!!! Darling!

Trish said...

Carrie... all I can say is "chocolate". It's a cure all... so I've heard. That picture of Mia is awesomesauce. You need to make postcards and sell them on your new website.

linda said...

Carrie, FYI! I gave a shout-out on our blog.

Mike Butler said...

Ummm, does anyone have a place to stay and a warm meal? I don't take up much room and I'm willing to sleep on the floor. It'll just be for a short time until this passes. Just kidding, love you baby.

Angie said...

you are always welcome at our house! (Brax and Zach would love to have you sleep on the floor in one of their rooms)!