Friday, February 29, 2008

Crab and Spider

Paige has these two imaginary pets, Crab and Spider. They pop up frequently during play time, sometimes they are on the table, sometimes they are hitching a ride in her backpack, occasionally they will join us on overnight trips. I often have to hold them in my cupped hand while Paige makes them food (they are almost always hungry). Anyway, Crab and Spider have become fixtures at many events and outings in our family. As a matter of fact, there was an incident in which Paige came very close to flying into a tantrum because she thought we had left Crab and Spider at her cousins house. Mind you, these pets are imaginary. I told her it was lucky for her that I just happen to see them sitting on the table before we left and had grabbed them and put them in my pocket. She was relieved (as was I, to avoid the tantrum)when I pulled them out and handed them to her. Again, they are entirely imaginary.

I have, until recently, assumed that Crab and Spider were in fact, a crab and a spider. Then two days ago she was showing them to her uncle, who said, "oh, they are very cute, that crab and that spider", to which she responded, "oh, they aren't crabs and spiders, they're ants. " I am still reeling from the shock.

1 comment:

dllhmchl said...

Love it!! I remember when I was playing with Andrew when he was smaller with a imaginary ball. I would pretend to throw the ball off the bed and he would have to get off the bed to get it. We found that so funny especially when he was getting irrated that I kept throwing the pretend ball off the bed and he would have to get off to get it. We just couldn't figure out why he couldn't imagaine a huge piles of balls next to him. ;-)